‘Waking the Dead,’ by Matthew Perryman Jones

Monday night we were blessed to see and hear Andrew Peterson and friends at the Ryman Theater in Nashville performing Behold the Lamb of God. One of Peterson’s friends who he’s “known for many, many years” is Matthew Perryman Jones. Jones, an accomplished musician in his own right, sang a couple of songs on his own and participated in the larger BTLOG performance.
Land of the Living Matthew Perryman Jones
One of the songs Perryman Jones did was ‘Waking the Dead’ from his project Land of the Living. You can listen to it below. The entire project is very good and can be purchased through the Amazon link.

After giving it a listen, tell me in the comments other artists you think Matthew Perryman Jones resembles stylistically.

Waking the Dead by Matthew Perryman Jones on Grooveshark

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