Ground Zero, Syria [PHOTOS]

“It is well that war is so terrible otherwise we would grow too fond of it.”
Robert E. Lee

“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower

My son Timothy alerted me last week to this blog, the LiveJournal of Ilya Plekhanov, editor of military and literary almanac, The Art of War. These sites are in Russian some of which Chrome will translate into English. (See also Plekhanov on the Russian edition of Forbes.) All of the photos below are from the collection on the LiveJournal blog.

While viewing the photos I was reminded of the hell of war. I also question why so many who follow Christ seem given over to it, at times with virtual bloodlust. For people who follow the Prince of Peace, who often made fun of the “peace-niks” of the 60s, we should be reminded yet again that Jesus words, “There will be wars and rumors of wars,” was not intended to be a foreign policy statement.

What questions should Kingdom residents ask? Is the violence in Syria merely a civil war? How are we involved behind the scenes? Is this all about installing a democracy friendly to U.S. interests? Passive toward Israel?

How many of the people in the pictures below do not or did not know Christ? How many have never or had never heard a clear presentation of the gospel? How many are now or soon will be in a Christ-less eternity?

In the below photo gallery, compiled during October and the first of November 2012, the struggles of Syria are chronicled. There is a warning before the more graphic ones. But I encourage you to look unless you absolutely cannot. Be reminded. War is hell. People die. Eternity never ends.

When is it worth it? When is it not?

war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria buildings
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria people
war in syria people
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria fighters
war in Syria bullet holes
war in Syria rifle scope


war in Syria gore killing
Two men with guns accost an apparently unarmed man.

war in Syria gore killing
The unarmed man appears to be attempting evasive action.

war in Syria gore killing
The unarmed man lies dead from a bullet to the head.

war in Syria
war in Syria gore killing
war in Syria gore killing
war in Syria gore killing
A man appears to be running for cover.

war in Syria gore killing
Apparently the man has been wounded.

war in Syria gore killing
war in Syria gore killing
As someone extends help to the man in the street, I wondered if the man laying wounded or dead on the sidewalk is the man who was in the foreground in the first picture of this series.

war in Syria gore shoes
war in Syria Mom child
People are people. Nobody wants their child to die.

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