Social media online influencing tool, Klout, has just released their first ever app for iPhone. Appropriately enough it is called “Klout for iPhone” and is now available in the app store.
It has a clean interface and limited functionality. You can check you score and that of your influencers. You can also share on Twitter when given a +K and view the profile of the giver. At this point, perks cannot be seen or explored nor can your score analysis be viewed.

Notifications include: score changes and +Ks. Your Klout score can be set appear as a badge on the icon. Overall this is a decent, basic 1.0 style app. It is not a full replica of the Klout website.
For more info on Klout check out the article in this month’s Wired, “What your Klout score really means”.
For the ability to track multiple Klout scores on the same screen, I suggest the app “KloutScore” developed by @jaminguy.