‘The Gospel Project’ webcast

the-gospel-projectYou can watch the web launch for ‘The Gospel Project’ today at 2:00pm CDT. The webcast features, Trevin Wax, Managing Editor of The Gospel Project, Ed Stetzer, General Editor of The Gospel Project, and J.D. Greear and Matt Chandler, who both served on The Gospel Project Advisory Council at the beginning of the curriculum’s development.

Trevin Wax is managing editor of The Gospel Project and author of Counterfeit Gospels and Holy Subversion. He also authors the popular blog Kingdom People.

Matt Chandler serves as Lead Pastor of Teaching at The Village Church in Flower Mound, TX. He describes his eight-year tenure at The Village as a re-planting effort where he was involved in changing the theological and philosophical culture of the congregation. The church has witnessed a tremendous response growing from 160 people to over 10,000 including satellite campuses in Dallas and Denton. Alongside his current role as lead pastor, Matt is involved in church planting efforts both locally and internationally through The Village and various strategic partnerships. Prior to accepting the pastorate at The Village, Matt had a vibrant itinerant ministry for over 10 years where he spoke to thousands of people in America and abroad about the glory of God and beauty of Jesus.

J.D. Greear, Ph.D., did his degree work in Christian and Islamic theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and current serves as Lead Pastor at The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina. The Summit’s vision is to plant 1000 churches in the next 40 years. Currently, they have planted 11 and have several church planting teams stationed around the world.

J.D. has authored Breaking the Islam Code and GOSPEL: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary.

Ed Stetzer is President of LifeWay Research and Missiologist in Residence at LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, Tennessee. Ed has planted, revitalized, and pastored churches. He has trained pastors and church planters on five continents, holds two masters degrees and two doctorates, and has written dozens of articles and books. Ed is a contributing editor for Christianity Today, a columnist for Outreach Magazine and Catalyst Monthly, serves on the advisory council of Sermon Central and Christianity Today’s Building Church Leaders, and is frequently cited or interviewed in news outlets such as USA Today and CNN.

Click this link to be taken to the webcast.

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