Congressman Darrell IssaToday at 9:30 Eastern time, the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform will hold hearing on the subject “Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience?” This committee is headed by California Republican Darrell Issa. The hearing witnesses will be comprised of:
Panel I
The Most Reverend William E. Lori
Roman Catholic Bishop of Bridgeport, CT
Chairman Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Reverend Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D.
Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy
Union University Professor C. Ben Mitchell, Union University, Jackson, TN
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik
Director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought
Yeshiva University
Associate Rabbi
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
Craig Mitchell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Ethics
Chair of the Ethics Department
Associate Director of the Richard Land Center for Cultural Engagement
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Panel II
John H. Garvey
The Catholic University of America
Dr. William K. Thierfelder
Belmont Abbey College
Dr. Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver
East Texas Baptist University
Dr. Allison Dabbs Garrett
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Oklahoma Christian University
Laura Champion, M.D.
Medical Director
Calvin College Health Services
Barry W. Lynn, Esq.
Executive Director
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
I encourage you to watch the live feed from the committee website. Information, including the live stream link, can be found here.